在 Ubuntu 12.10/12.04 上 mount VirtualBox drive image (vdi)

在 ubuntu 12.10/12.04 上 安装 vdfuse****

sudo apt-get install virtualbox-fuse

使用 vdfuse

vdfuse [options] -f image-file mountpoint
-h help
-r readonly
-t specify type (VDI, VMDK, VHD, or raw; default: auto)
-f VDimage file
-a allow all users to read disk
-w allow all users to read and write to disk
-g run in foreground
-v verbose
-d debug
NOTE: you must add the line "user_allow_other" (without quotes) to /etc/fuse.confand set proper permissions on /etc/fuse.conf for this to work.


sudo vdfuse -f /path/to/file.vdi /path/to/mountpoint
mount /path/to/mountpoint/Partition1 /path/to/someother/mountpoint #mount vdi 里的Partition1 到 /path/to/someother/mountpoint

via: 1.